
Academic Writing

Page history last edited by Marisa Constantinides 4 months ago




Polish your writing skills and impress your tutors with


your writing style!


Online editing of your writing 



Write & Improve with Cambridge English

Developed by the University of Cambridge, Write & Improve is a FREE tool that helps every learner to improve their English writing.

    • Choose from hundreds of tasks at all levels and start writing, or create your own tasks
    • Submit your writing and get a result linked to the international standard, the CEFR
    • Get automatic feedback on where your writing may need improvement
    • Make changes and check again to improve your writing





This is a user-friendly writing and editing tool that helps you rewrite your text so that you are understood and perceived as a professional. InstaText improves styling and word choice, corrects grammatical errors and enriches your content to make it more readable and understandable.




Follow this free course 



A Beginner's Guide to Writing in English for University Study - A FutureLearn course 

Learn how to use English for study at university or college and develop your writing skills, vocabulary and grammar.  A free course courtesy of the University of Reading.  This is a free course.  Next course dates to be found through the link above 


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