A. Admission
1. What happens before I’m accepted on a CELTA course?
Answer: Before you are invited for interview, you will be asked to complete a written task. This will include a focus on language awareness as well as consideration of other issues related to teaching English. If this written task shows that you have the appropriate level of English and the potential to develop the skills needed to pass the course, you will be invited to interview.
Interviews vary from centre to centre – some centres hold individual interviews; others hold group interviews. In all cases, you will be asked to show how you think about language and learning/teaching English so that
the interviewer can confirm that you have the potential to develop the skills needed to teach English, and meet the criteria to pass the CELTA course.
2. If I’m not a native speaker, do I need to take an English qualification to qualify for a CELTA course?
Answer: The course requirement is that your level of English is good enough to teach at a range of levels (up to CEFR Level B2 / upper-intermediate level). This means you should have a level of English at CEFR high C1 / C2 level. Centres may ask for evidence of this, but there is no Cambridge English Language Assessment requirement for you to have taken any specific language examination.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a non-native English speaker on a CELTA course?
Answer: As long as your level of English is high enough (CEFR high C1 / C2 level), you can apply for a CELTA course. Non-native speakers often benefit from the experience of having learned English themselves, as this informs their understanding of learners’ difficulties. Native speakers often benefit from their knowledge of natural language use.
4. Do I have to have teaching experience before I start a CELTA course?
Answer: No – CELTA courses are suitable for candidates with no previous teaching experience. They are also taken by people who have some experience of teaching English, and people who have experience of teaching other subjects.
5. I don’t have a university degree. Can I take a CELTA course?
Answer: Yes – the requirement for taking a CELTA course is that you have a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education.
B. Preparation for CELTA

Do I need to do any preparation before I take a CELTA course? If so, what should I do?
Answer: Once you have been accepted, your centre will provide you with details about how to prepare for your CELTA course. This will usually include recommended reading and pre-course tasks. The pre-course tasks are not formally assessed, but aim to introduce you to some of the areas you will cover on your CELTA course.
C. CELTA compared to other qualifications
(for comparison with DELTA, please see Section F below)
1. Does having TKT help with doing CELTA?
Answer: TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) and CELTA are very different qualifications Each TKT module is a one-off test of your knowledge about an aspect of teaching. CELTA assesses your understanding of teaching methodology as well as your teaching practice over the duration of a course. However, if you’ve prepared / taken a preparation course for TKT, and especially if you’ve taken TKT Practical, the experience and knowledge gained is likely to give you a good knowledge basis for doing CELTA.
2. Is CELTA the same as ICELT?
Answer: The ICELT (In-service Certificate in English Language Teaching) is designed for teachers whose first language is not English, who are already teaching English, and who have experience but who also wish to have an internationally recognised qualification. ICELT helps teachers improve their skills in the context in which they are currently working. It is not an initial certificate like CELTA, but is designed for teachers who have been working for some time and are hoping to refine their skills and keep up to date with developments in teaching methodology and techniques.
3. I already have a PGCE – would it still be beneficial to gain CELTA to teach English as a foreign language?
Answer: A PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) in any subject will help with some aspects of teaching English to speakers of other languages. However, for many new English language teachers, the most difficult aspect is how to prepare for and teach language-focused lessons – CELTA provides specific support with this. In addition, CELTA is often a requirement for English teaching jobs.
4. Do you need CELTA to do the YL Extension to CELTA?
Answer: Not always. YL (Young Learners) Extension courses will often accept candidates with other teaching qualifications. However, to get a Cambridge English certificate, you need to have successfully passed CELTA.
D. About the course

1. How long is a CELTA course?
Answer: This depends on the type of course you choose to take. Intensive CELTA courses are usually 4 weeks long. Part-time CELTA courses and the Cambridge CELTA Course Online can be different lengths depending on the centre where you take the course. They range from approximately 12 to 26 weeks – or can be as long as a year.
2. Do CELTA courses train teachers in a particular methodology of English teaching?
Answer: CELTA courses follow the syllabus set by Cambridge English Language Assessment. CELTA criteria are based on learner-centred, communicative approaches to language teaching, but no particular methodology is specified.
3. Is CELTA for teaching adults only?
Answer: CELTA focuses on teaching adults, but many of the skills and techniques you’ll practise on a CELTA course apply to teaching young learners as well. If you plan to teach mainly young learners, you should consider taking the Young Learner (YL) Extension to CELTA after completing CELTA. This is usually a two-week course that focuses specifically on teaching young learners and builds on the content of CELTA.
4. Do the courses change each year – for example following developments in technology and methodology?
Answer: Centres will adapt and adjust their course programmes to reflect changes and developments in technology and methodology.
5. Are CELTA courses of the same quality in all countries?
Answer: CELTA courses worldwide meet exactly the same standards, follow the same syllabus, and are assessed in the same way by Cambridge English assessors.
6. Are all CELTA trainers native English speakers?
Answer: No – CELTA trainers may be native or non-native speakers. All trainers meet the same rigorous standards set by Cambridge English Language Assessment, and have been through a programme of training before becoming CELTA trainers.

7. What are the written assignments on the CELTA course about?
Answer: There are 4 written assignments on the CELTA course, which focus on:
- analysing and responding to learner needs
- analysing language for teaching purposes
- teaching language skills
- reflecting on classroom teaching.
8. Does CELTA cover one-to-one teaching?
Answer: Much of what you learn on a CELTA course – understanding language and learners, and the skills and techniques of teaching English – apply to one-to-one teaching. Some centres may offer a session about
teaching one-to-one; they may also offer an opportunity to carry out assessed teaching practice in a one-to-one situation. However, the main focus of the course is on teaching groups of learners.
9. Does a CELTA certificate expire?
Answer: No – CELTA certificates don’t expire.
10. What happens if you fail the CELTA course?
Answer: Candidates receive an end of course report from their centre outlining areas of achievement as well as areas for further development. You will also receive a letter from Cambridge English Language Assessment confirming the fail result. If you fail, you’ll need to re-take the whole course, meeting all the criteria.
11. What is the pass rate for CELTA?
Answer: The application and interview procedure for CELTA is intentionally rigorous to help to ensure that candidates accepted onto a course have the potential to develop the skills necessary to pass it. Therefore, the failure rate is not high. However, CELTA is not a course where accepted candidates automatically pass.
12. Is there a final examination on CELTA courses?
Answer: No – you will be assessed throughout the course. Assessment is on the 6 hours of teaching practice and the 4 written assignments.
13. Do you provide for people with specific learning disabilities on the CELTA course?
Answer: In line with Cambridge English Language Assessment’s Equal Opportunities Policy, centres make every effort to accommodate applicants with special requirements. Applicants with special requirements often have and will be able to confirm that they have the necessary strategies, and/or the personal and technical support, to enable them to achieve the CELTA assessment criteria successfully. Course providers will make reasonable adjustments to the course programme and course delivery where necessary.
It is recommended thatapplicants with special requirements be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the role of the teacher and the demands of the classroom in the field of ELT (English Language Teaching) before accepting a place on the course.

13. Do you get a grade at the end of the course?
Answer: Yes – successful CELTA candidates are graded as Pass, Pass B or Pass A (Pass A is the highest grade).
Pass is awarded to candidates whose overall performance in the teaching practice and in the written assignments meets the specified criteria.
Pass (Grade B) is awarded to candidates whose performance in the written assignments meets the specified criteria and who have demonstrated in their teaching practice a level of achievement significantly higher than that required to meet pass-level criteria in relation to demonstration of the criteria for teaching and professionalism.
A Pass (Grade A) is awarded to candidates whose performance in the written assignments meets the specified criteria and who have demonstrated in their teaching practice a level of ability and achievement
and a level of awareness significantly higher than that required to meet pass-level criteria in relation to planning for effective teaching and demonstration of the criteria for teaching and professionalism.
Candidates who fail to meet the criteria in either of the assessed components will receive a Fail.
E. About teaching practice

1. Will I do the same amount of teaching practice in the part-time face-to-face course as in the intensive?
Answer: Yes – the requirements are the same for both the intensive and part-time CELTA courses. In both cases you’ll do 6 hours of teaching practice.
CELTA online
2. How can I do teaching practice online?
Answer: With the Cambridge CELTA Course Online, the teaching practice takes place face to face at the centre where you are registered for the course. Only the input is done online.
3. Is the Cambridge CELTA Course Online limited only to those peop
le who can take it in the same country where it is offered?
Answer: It is not always necessary to be in the same country where the course is offered. However, the nature of the course, and particularly the face-to-face teaching practice component, mean that this is usually the case. The Cambridge CELTA Course Online is a flexible way to take CELTA. Like the face-to-face CELTA course, the Cambridge CELTA Course Online has a significant practical component known as teaching practice, where you will complete 6 hours of assessed teaching practice in groups. You will teach at least 8 times with face-to-face feedback and reflection. The centre will arrange for the teaching practice to be set up either at the main centre or an approved venue and you should confirm with the centre where you would need to attend to complete the teaching practice element.
1. I have been teaching for 6 years and have a TESOL qualification – is CELTA much different or would Delta be better for me?

CELTA is an initial or pre-service award. It is designed for teachers who have little or no teaching experience. It is also often taken by teachers who have some teaching experience, but do not have an internationally recognised certificate, or whose initial training was theoretical and involved little or no teaching practice.
The Delta modules are suitable for people already teaching English in adult, primary or secondary teaching contexts. Candidates taking Delta will normally have an initial English language teaching qualification and will have had at least one year's ELT experience. The Delta modules cover theory and practice of English language teaching in greater breadth and depth than CELTA, by means of a written examination (Module One), teaching practice (Module Two) and an extended piece of writing (Module Three). If your qualifications and previous experience indicate you might take either CELTA or Delta, it would be useful for you to talk through the options with a centre offering both courses, either before applying or at the application stage. The centre will be able to advise which course is more suitable for you and give you more details to inform your decision.
2. If I have a BA in ELT, can I do the Delta course without doing CELTA?
Answer: Usually to take the Delta modules, you should have an initial teaching qualification, such as CELTA, and at least a year’s relevant teaching experience. There may be exceptions to this, so it is best to speak to your local Delta centre about entry requirements.
3. If I have a formal teaching qualification from my country and years of teaching experience, is CELTA suitable for me, or should I apply for DELTA?
Answer: It will depend on your teaching experience and qualification. Cambridge English Teaching Qualification centres will be able to advise you further as part of their selection procedures.
4. Is CELTA a requirement for DELTA?
Answer: No – you don’t have to have CELTA to take Delta.
5. After taking CELTA, when can I take DELTA?
Answer: Normally, candidates taking Delta will have an initial English language teaching qualification, such as CELTA, and at least one year’s experience teaching English.
G. Employment

1. Do CELTA centres offer job placements to trainees on successful completion of the course?
Answer: This depends on the centre. Some centres may offer jobs to candidates when they complete the course. Others will give candidates advice about finding jobs.
2. Should I take CELTA in my own country or where I want to teach?
Answer: This is really an individual decision. The CELTA syllabus and the standard are the same wherever you take the course.
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